Friday, November 23, 2007

Dargens Download Free MP3s on the Train

Dargens works on the train.

As I write this I am downloading MP3s while on the 7:30am Waterloo to Portsmouth Harbour train.

As Dargens is a friend to Friend peer to peer service it keeps its connections and downloading speed despite the intermittent nature of internet connection while on the go.

Just need to sort out battery life now.

I have start working on a version of Dargens for Nokia N95 if anyone is interested.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Download free MP3s | Anonymous p2p | Friend to friend network

CLICK on image in TV.
Then CLICK on START button.
Answer YES to pop-up questions to connect.

Download free MP3s | Anonymous p2p | Friend to friend network
Share unsigned new band MP3s with anyone.
No set-up | Connects through firewalls

See development blog (kerjodando a mod of ANts p2p)
Only people who know your private swarm page web address can connect to you.
You are 100% private and you can share with everybody.