Saturday, December 30, 2006

Thanks Team for Working So Hard in 2006

I would like to thank all the kerjodando / Dargens team for all their hard work during 2006.

I would especially like to thank Vicent the developer (English) who has had to learn Ruby on Rails to be able to code the website. Vicent has also directed the coding /implementation of the website "look and feel".

I also would like to thank Trine, whose day job is being a professional stylist, who has added a new dimension to the team as well as designing Dargens website.

And lastly I would like to thank Gwren who wrote the original client ANts p2p.

During the first quarter of 2007 I would like to finish the website AND update the client (ANts p2p) to make it small, faster and give it a new web/html user interface.

So Happy New Year everyone.

P.S. I found an interesting article about the original ANts p2p client.