Monday, September 25, 2006

How Kerjodando P2P Works

  1. One webpage for each interest or topic

  2. Users can publish or email webpage URL (link)

  3. Friends and other users go to the webpage and click on link to launch kerjodando

  4. kerjodando connects to other users who have visited the page and clicked the link (the swarm)

  5. Users share files with others in the swarm

  6. By having an account users can be in more than one swarm

  7. Entire swarm is a "small world" network

  8. All connections encrypted

  9. User keep webpage link private or publish it on their website so that they only directly connect to friends or other that share their interests

  10. Users can share files with anyone in the swarm not only those they are directly connected to
  11. Users ip address (identity) only visible to friends or others that share their interests
  12. No user can tell what files other users are sharing
  13. Client for downloading same as latest version of Ants p2p