Friday, July 21, 2006

Help Me Test Kerjodando - A Simple P2P File Sharing and Social Netwrok Website

Hi this is the email that I sent to potential kerjodando testers:

Please help me to test my new software idea - kerjodando p2p and social network.


All I need is your ip address (preferably home one - as going to be used for p2p!).

This can be found here ( ) just reply to this email including your ip address.

ip address is four number separated by dots

e.g. is my ip address.

I will then send you a link to download a test file from.

The first stage of the test is to allow friends to connect (anonymously) to each other and download this file.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.


You need to be at the PC where you are going to be testing when you find your ip address. So you may need to forward this email to your home email address.

Not a good idea to test at work as not fair and against normal work rules.

Can test in internet cafe.

Should get through every firewall and filter even "Great Firewall of China".

Blog about development at

Holding page for website at

We aim to be a worldwide social network and p2p site so all citizens can have their view on all events e.g. the world cup:

Zizou - What Did You See?
