Monday, November 20, 2006

Fuzzy "Anonymous" Bit Torrent

Limited alpha test done for kerjodando p2p (better cos its private).

Swarms made and fast "torrent" download of big files done in private network.

kerjodando similar to bit torrent.

In bit torrent users swarm around a specific file with specific ip addresses.

Kerjodando p2p users swarm around a group of files with indistinguishable ip addresses and proxies.

This forms many small networks like bit torrent.

To try the alpha test:

The next development will enable a user to belong to more than one group/swarm.

After that I will add facility for users to make own groups.

Both these functions will be done in a Ruby on Rails / AJAX website currently beeen coded by developer.

The new site is going to be called "Dagens" (Today's Special in Norwegian) and will resemble a thePirateBay in function except will be a friend to friend (F2F) website.

In summary, in normal p2p everyone is in one searchable network.

However, kerjodando is like a friend to friend version of bit torrent as you only join networks that share your interest.