Friday, November 24, 2006

Look and Feel of Dargens (aka kerjodando p2p)

We have started working on the "Look and Feel" of the website.

Trine has come up with the ideas and I have tried to translate them into language that a web designer would understand.

The main features on this Look and Feel are:

Random pictures displayed in an old fashioned Television (TV) set.

The random pictures (from recently on-line swarm pages) are hidden by a blank TV screen when the site is first loaded.

The pictures are revealed when mouse/cursor ROLLS-OVER the TV.

The website should have the three main colours as the attached ear-ring on pdf (white, black and burnt orange).

The site should be mainly black and white with burnt orange.

The website should be framed and have a hand drawn look.

Trine has come up with some sample fonts for the look and feel:

  • the beggars banquet font as on the record sleeve is to be used for the Dargens logo
  • the other fonts indicate the retro feel of the site (back to the 60/70/80s) so similar to these can be used in the site
  • the other fonts also give an indication that the site has to be ornate with hand draws motifs, swirls and frames.

Trine has also come up with some examples of hand draw motifs for the site.

These can be a part of the frame (as in picture frame not html frame!).

The key motifs are the old fashioned TV and cuckoo clock.

The aim of the motifs is to give the site a retro look.

Imagine we had the internet in 1969 what would web pages have looked like. It is the age of the Beatles etc.

Key images here are the carousel and the bookcase containing books and TV.

The next step is to get a "strawman" mock-up from the web designer and try to agree on design by the end of Novemberr 2006.