Friday, November 24, 2006

Look and Feel of Dargens (aka kerjodando p2p)

We have started working on the "Look and Feel" of the website.

Trine has come up with the ideas and I have tried to translate them into language that a web designer would understand.

The main features on this Look and Feel are:

Random pictures displayed in an old fashioned Television (TV) set.

The random pictures (from recently on-line swarm pages) are hidden by a blank TV screen when the site is first loaded.

The pictures are revealed when mouse/cursor ROLLS-OVER the TV.

The website should have the three main colours as the attached ear-ring on pdf (white, black and burnt orange).

The site should be mainly black and white with burnt orange.

The website should be framed and have a hand drawn look.

Trine has come up with some sample fonts for the look and feel:

  • the beggars banquet font as on the record sleeve is to be used for the Dargens logo
  • the other fonts indicate the retro feel of the site (back to the 60/70/80s) so similar to these can be used in the site
  • the other fonts also give an indication that the site has to be ornate with hand draws motifs, swirls and frames.

Trine has also come up with some examples of hand draw motifs for the site.

These can be a part of the frame (as in picture frame not html frame!).

The key motifs are the old fashioned TV and cuckoo clock.

The aim of the motifs is to give the site a retro look.

Imagine we had the internet in 1969 what would web pages have looked like. It is the age of the Beatles etc.

Key images here are the carousel and the bookcase containing books and TV.

The next step is to get a "strawman" mock-up from the web designer and try to agree on design by the end of Novemberr 2006.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Rails 1.2: Release Candidate 1 NOW OUT

Rails 1.2: Release Candidate 1 NOW OUT

Released November 23, 2006 @ 06:01 AM

It’s been almost eight months since the last major release of Rails introduced RJS, respond_to, eager loading, and much more. It’s about time we introduced the latest batch of big ideas we’ve been polishing in the interim. Great to see this out

Pizza on Rails

Yesterday visited Pizza on Rails.
Great people, great beer, tasty pizza and very very knowledgeable people. Had I lot of my RoR questions answered.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Description of Functionality of Dargens aka kerjodando Website

Below is a quick outline of the planned pages and functionality for the new Dargens website.

The look and feel is still being worked on by Trine (Art director).

The plan is to code the website in Ruby on Rails.

Logo: Dargens

Main Menu:
Homepage|About|Donate| Make_Group|Donate|Join|Login/Account

Tag Line: Share your life|Today is special

Search for Groups: box and go button

Randon Group Pictures linking to group pages: between 4 and 8 random thumbnails linking to group (swarm) pages

Main Browse Categories: Pop|Rock|Oldie|Indie|Classical|Urban|Other

Tag Cloud: Tag cloud of current online groups with font size dependant on length of time group been continuously up.
  1. Dynamic content, random group pictures of current online groups only.
  2. Search contents of group (swarm) pages
  3. Search group (swarm) pages by category
  4. Search group (swarm) pages by tag by clicking on link in dynamically created tag cloud
Search Results
Logo: Dargens

Main Menu:
Homepage|About|Donate| Make_Group|Donate|Join|Login/Account

Tag Line: Share your life|Today is special

Search Results: List of group (swarm) pages with thumbnail pciture, synopsis, link to page and button to "bookmark" to Account page
  1. bookmark group (swarm) page
Group (swarm) Page
Logo: Dargens

Main Menu:
Homepage|About|Donate| Make_Group|Donate|Join|Login/Account

Tag Line: Share your life|Today is special

Title of Group: one line description with page url

Bookmark: click this to bookmark this group to account page

Description: description of, in general, what the swarm is about. what are the users tastes in music and movies etc.

Tags: tags describing swarm

Link: url to click on to launch kerjodando and so join swarm

Help: description of what happends when you launch kerjodando with screenshots and instructions of how to connect, search and download media.
  1. bookmark group (swarm) page
  2. launch kerjodando /check for java Runtime
Category Browse Results
Logo: Dargens

Main Menu:
Homepage|About|Donate| Make_Group|Donate|Join|Login/Account

Tag Line: Share your life|Today is special

Search Results: List of group (swarm) pages with thumbnail pciture, synopsis, link to page and button to "bookmark" to Account page
bookmark group (swarm) page
Logo: Dargens

Main Menu:
Homepage|About|Donate| Make_Group|Donate|Join|Login/Account

Tag Line: Share your life|Today is special

Description about what Dargens is about and contact information.

Make Group (Swarm)
Logo: Dargens

Main Menu:
Homepage|About|Donate| Make_Group|Donate|Join|Login/Account

Tag Line: Share your life|Today is special


Title of Group: one line description with page url Bookmark: click this to bookmark this group to account page Description: description of, in general, what the swarm is about. what are the users tastes in music and movies etc. Tags: tags describing swarm

Public or Private: radio button Private group contact details: how to contact group originator e.g by personal message on zeropaid website.
  1. Make a group (swarm)page and creat a url
Logo: Dargens

Main Menu:
Homepage|About|Donate| Make_Group|Donate|Join|Login/Account

Tag Line: Share your life|Today is special

Description about how to donate to the Dargens project
  1. Paypal button
Logo: Dargens

Main Menu:
Homepage|About|Donate| Make_Group|Donate|Join|Login/Account

Tag Line: Share your life|Today is special


email address: enter an email address in case forget password password: input a password
  1. Make new account for user
Login (if not logged in)
Logo: Dargens

Main Menu:
Homepage|About|Donate| Make_Group|Donate|Join|Login/Account

Tag Line: Share your life|Today is special

Login Form:

email address: enter an email address password: input a password

  1. Log user into account
kerjodando java webstart popup
Customised java webstart client pop up with a groups thumbnail and group / usename

Account (if logged in) Logo: Dargens

Main Menu:
Homepage|About|Donate| Make_Group|Donate|Join|Login/Account

Tag Line: Share your life|Today is special

List of Bookmarked group (swarm) pages: List of group (swarm) pages with thumbnail pciture, synopsis, link to page and button to " un -bookmark" a selection box to select group(s)

Link: url to click on to launch kerjodando and so join selected swarm

Help: description of what happends when you launch kerjodando with screenshots and instructions of how to connect, search and download media.

  1. Un-bookmark group page
  2. Launch kerjodando for multiple groups (swarms)

Monday, November 20, 2006

Fuzzy "Anonymous" Bit Torrent

Limited alpha test done for kerjodando p2p (better cos its private).

Swarms made and fast "torrent" download of big files done in private network.

kerjodando similar to bit torrent.

In bit torrent users swarm around a specific file with specific ip addresses.

Kerjodando p2p users swarm around a group of files with indistinguishable ip addresses and proxies.

This forms many small networks like bit torrent.

To try the alpha test:

The next development will enable a user to belong to more than one group/swarm.

After that I will add facility for users to make own groups.

Both these functions will be done in a Ruby on Rails / AJAX website currently beeen coded by developer.

The new site is going to be called "Dagens" (Today's Special in Norwegian) and will resemble a thePirateBay in function except will be a friend to friend (F2F) website.

In summary, in normal p2p everyone is in one searchable network.

However, kerjodando is like a friend to friend version of bit torrent as you only join networks that share your interest.